Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Part-2: Two options and a possible outcome..!!

(P.S: please read Part-1 here before jumping into Part-2)

Sorry to keep you guys waiting for the next episode of my college melodrama, I find it difficult to manage time between office work and playing Candy Crush Saga. I was in the 30th stage and for the love of God, it took me almost 10 pathetic days in finishing the level.

After an overwhelming response from the remotest of friends regarding the post that I thought no one would view, I was skeptical to proceed with the next part, for the fear that loomed in my so called peanut brain which yells at me saying "stop being a hypocrite" and continue doing what suits you best, i.e.. being a moron, which I am for some obvious reasons, one of which is writing this useless piece of crappy blog which only consumes time and patience and attracts criticism from pesky people stating that "it may mar your so called reputation which symbolizes you as a Demigod of goodness" and "what would the society think about you if you send out such mixed signals of immoral conduct" type clichéd monotonous monologues which I cared less about. Being brought up in an Indian society I was given all the freedom to do whatever I liked the best, and was never interrupted in my thought process,  but it was the other pestering life sucking people surrounding me who held me back, else I would have been a superman with my underpants under the pants.

So I wanted to break away from being a mere spectator and venture out into the dark world of bloggers who constantly upload every single shit into the Internet and start looking at the number of likes for their posts(which includes even me) for which people give a damn. So am writing this for all the fans(yes..!! I meant you) out there who feel that they could spend some time instead of money to be entertained for free.
Now enough of my whining and let's get back to the point where i left u before the end of Day 1 (OMG I should have been a professor) , so it was hard time for me settling in for crappy rusted dies and the fire breathing monstrous engines rather than sitting inside the glass walled sweet smelling mother of jesus computer labs. I sometimes felt that God had punished me for all the porn that I have ever watched in the past and got shit kicked out of me by intentionally pushing me into the satanic world of gears, metallurgy, fluid mechanics and God knows what stroke engines..!!

So finally my first year at college started with all the humbug that mechies are the base for any industry, u can't do shit without them blah blahh blah..!! in which I was least bothered. All I ever wanted was to earn money and screw everyone which eventually never happened.
Being helpless I had to accept my fate and continued my laborious mechanical life deprived of all the fun that I ever wanted and occasionally vented out my anger by punching my fellow spartans with the drawing sheets and drafters.I started branding myself as a Mechy and started scribbling MIGHTY MECH on all the benches and walls to let the dark world know that am happy being into this crap. There was this notion among the other god fearing branches that the mechanical students are rugged species and shouldn't be messed with, which eventually made all the girls to alienate mech boys. And those unlucky mechies who already had girlfriends from the pre-engineering life started having breakups.
This continued for a while, and then came the real deal- The Ragging part. While all the other branches had seniors who would rag the Juniors for a day or two, and later become friends and start hanging out together, mine was amazingly different scenario, it was more of an execution or a judgement day only to be repeated everyday.

The Canteen
Being diffident or should I say shy, I never had the nerve to interact with the seniors and always went about in groups where ever I went, even for the nature calls (there were incidents where I almost killed myself by stopping my bladder from performing its regular act due to the lack of company). The college canteen was the most dreadful place which I avoided the most. It was the place where the monstrous seniors were at large, sucking every ounce of courage that Juniors had. They were free to pick up whomever they wished for, just like a hawk picking up its prey from a standstill pond and the juniors, having no other option had to follow them just like a prisoner being dragged towards the gallows to bear the pain and agony but with a smiling face, else the professors in mufty who think they were the gatekeepers to hell might catch hold of them and kick the shit out the one who was about to rag. This wouldn't have any effect on the predator but would double the intensity of the punishments or I must say ragging techniques on the prey, so Inorder to avoid this shit most of the juniors without any second thought moved silently towards the dungeons where they were slayed. Thinking of all this I used to have goosebumps all over my body, and I secretly pledged that I would never venture out alone into the canteen premises. And sticking on to my promise I went unnoticed to most of the seniors for almost a month or two until one fine day when my fate went furious over my luck and landed me into grievous consequences.

It was a bright sunny day (I hate it when I use sunny to describe a day, cause I feel that it fits more into the name of a steamy pompous actress whom i like a lot and less into describing the state of a day) and I was all ready and packed up for college just like the regular days, but there was something that was hitting me hard from inside and I knew that something wrong was surely going to happen and I was right, my 6th sense worked miraculously fine (my 6th sense works when my common sense gets derailed) and there indeed was sadness all over the college. One of the seniors passed away and it was declared a holiday, and everyone instead of offering condolences, were happy to hear the announcement and were rejoicing this once in a lifetime opportunity of going home just after reaching the college, I was happy too but my happiness lasted only for a few minutes when I was informed that the only way to go home was to cross the DABBA.
It's a peculiar name for a place being named by the way it looks. DABBA-meaning "A Box" in English, was the most feared place outside the college premises. No fresher dared to go there for the fear of seniors lurking around it eating bread omelet and puffing out white fumes of smoke often ring shaped which by practice they have all mastered with hardwork, diligence and discipline.
Now that I was forced to cross the DABBA, I  furiously searched for company but my efforts went in vain, so I pretended that I was ill and started walking out on the road that was swarmed by juniors who were in the same state as mine. Without looking either ways and my head pointing the road I started my journey into the wild. I was internally chanting prayers to all the Gods that ever existed just to finish off with these nerve shattering moments. Just then something hit me hard on my back, my heart sank into delusions as to what could it be and when I was about to turn I was hit by a tiny stone again and i was being called by a junior(It was the ID TAG that made me believe that he was of my genre), seeing whom I was relieved to the core. He was my classmate Riddick (name changed for privacy issues). I was delighted upon seeing him, so much delighted infact that I started hugging him. People around me were perplexed at my behavior and started giving me weird glances as to why I was doing all this shit filled sentimental overdose of Indian daily soap, but I was unaware of what was happening around me and was being happy for I found a company in that chaotic quest for crossing the DABBA.

Even before I could come out of my happiness of finding a companion to walk with, I was surrounded by 4 grizzly looking godforsaken hillbilly goliats. I could only imagine hyenas surrounding a torn carcass ready to rip it into pieces. They called themselves the EIE seniors. In my entire life of 20 years, I have never seen anyone so scornful, so dangerous whose eyes meant death, whose words spoke of the things that let alone me, no man would have ever heard of and their sole mission of that day was to find juniors and rag them until they could digest all the shit they ate at that dubious DABBA. I will never forget that incident in my entire lifetime.

Now I had two options infront of me. One was to stand infront of them and get ragged Or start running so hard that I would have to break the bolt's record of the fastest athelete to escape from this embarrassing situation. Either way I was at a loss, as I was outnumbered and outpaced from every angle as they seemed to be well built and muscular. I didn't dare choose the second option as it would only make it more easier for them to rip me apart. So I stood there like a brave heart waiting for the incarceration.


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