Monday, December 7, 2015

The essence of fellowship..!!

(I love my readers, hence I've added music to the web version to enhance your reading experience, please listen to it while you read)

Duh, I hate to do this, but I guess it's necessary that I pen this down.
It suddenly appeared to me that I would have to write something on "Good Companionship" as a token of gratitude to all my friends, and this one is for all the people who are dearer to my heart and who at some point in my life touched my soul in a way or so and stayed with me to enjoy my company or left me behind with their memories soothing me every single night before I retire to bed.

From experiencing the first beer to the first smoke,
From the first presentation to the first dance,
From the first day of college to the first day of office,
From buying the first bike to the first car,
From the first mobile SMS to the first smart phone chat,
From mimicking the girl next door to portraying the favorite actor,

Sharing almost every walk of the life, experiencing breakups, loosing friends, combined studies, prizes, surprises, games, birthdays, tears, appraisals, competitions, last minute assignments,

Saturday, November 28, 2015

To Love and To be Loved

(Spoiler: NSFW)

The Love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man. 
~The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin.

"Whenever I get drunk, I miss her like hell. God my head is aching and I swear I will never have another shot of vodka or rum in the next party..!! I swear..!" Are the words of Ram, my best friend upon waking up at 2pm on any given Sunday which had been his weekly routine from the past 3 months. He's been suffering from some distress off late which I have been observing but couldn't push him to spill the beans.

Whenever people spoke about best friends, Ram and I were the only topic they could think of. We had been friends for God knows how long from childhood, and I knew exactly how Ram would behave in different situations. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

OnePlus to launch the second version of the OnePlus Two by December 2015..!!

Did you  know that OnePlus is launching a new phone this December?

OnePlus to launch version 2
Yes..!! Despite the fact that the OnePlus has launched a phone one week back with all the #HYPE, the Chinese start-up's Co-Founder (Carl Pei) surprised everyone with the news confirming that there would be new phone which would be launched in the month of December (hopefully by Christmas). The fact remains that the OnePlus Two’s market is still fledgling with all the pre-orders pouring in, and at this point of time with the announcement of the new phone, the customers are in a dilemma whether to buy the OnePlus two or go with the new model which is soon to arrive.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Know the science behind choosing your coloured sunglasses

Sunglasses, Shades, Goggles, Specs, blah blah blah.. this was the most fantasized pair of shit I've always wanted. From childhood, I started bugging my dad to buy me a pair of these shiny looking eye-covering things so that I could go about in the bright sun to play cricket or roam around the city (which was just a reason to show off) and he always used to drag the issue to the point where he would win the argument of not having this pair owing to the worldwide deteriorating

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Weekend Diaries 2015 A.D, July - A two day Trip to Chicago--->> DAY-2

DAY 2 (Continued from DAY-1)

We had a sound sleep in the car except for the backache and the cramps in the neck sleeping for 6 straight hours in the car. So by the morning when we woke up we found that the rest area had a big complex where we had good breakfast and bathrooms to freshen up. There was something special about that rest area (price: free), it was built on top of the freeway connecting two opposite ends like a bridge giving an amazing view of the roads and the vehicles passing beneath it.

Weekend Diaries 2015 A.D, July - A two day Trip to Chicago--->> DAY-1

The impromptu travels have always been fun considering my group of friends and the laziness we possess. I have always been thinking of writing about my travels, but considering my procrastination and the busy schedule (which is completely not true), I've skipped some of the most important journeys mainly covering the major cities and to mention a few would be New York City, Atlantic city, Texas, Pittsburgh, and North Carolina.

Given that it's been a year since I had first traveled to the United States in 2014, I had developed a sense of traveler's eye. But considering the Master's Program that I had enrolled for, I haven't had a lot of spare time to travel so I had to squeeze in my journeys or limit them to weekends or the long weekends.

It is true that when people have the right age they don't have the money to travel, and when they do have the money they don't have the time to explore and when they have both time and money they tend to lose the age. In order not to fall into any of those three categories, I've decided that I would make the ends meet and explore the world even with all the three constraints of money, age and time. And with this motto in mind, I have decided that I would travel the world with all my resources and I've decided that I would record all the memories so that when I grow old, I would look back just to see how effectively have I used my days.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Motorola Moto X, and Moto G launch event live coverage 2015

Find the live streaming link of the keynote here
The theme of the event is the relationship between users and their phones. Motorola surveys says that, only 39% of phone owners are happy with their handsets and the rest feel that their phones are boring, bland or unreliable. Motorola guaranteed that the cameras in their new phones will be best in class and user friendly. Motorola is providing more customization options and smart, location- and time-based actions like Google Now, which is integrated across its operating system.

Motorola has introduced three new phones today

The first model is the new “Moto X Style.”  It has 5.7-inch display and good customization options such as new woods, a new soft-grip rubber, and new metal accents along with 4GB of RAM. It comes with a 3000 mAH battery and it boasts that's it's the fastest-charging smartphone in the world. It uses Moto’s own proprietary fast charging system which adds 10 hours of battery life in 15 minutes​.