Saturday, November 28, 2015

To Love and To be Loved

(Spoiler: NSFW)

The Love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man. 
~The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin.

"Whenever I get drunk, I miss her like hell. God my head is aching and I swear I will never have another shot of vodka or rum in the next party..!! I swear..!" Are the words of Ram, my best friend upon waking up at 2pm on any given Sunday which had been his weekly routine from the past 3 months. He's been suffering from some distress off late which I have been observing but couldn't push him to spill the beans.

Whenever people spoke about best friends, Ram and I were the only topic they could think of. We had been friends for God knows how long from childhood, and I knew exactly how Ram would behave in different situations. 

Being a very bright person with morals and ethics right from his childhood, he was always the paragon for children in our locality. People would follow him blindly for they believed that Ram would never go wrong in anything that he does and he always lived up to their expectations. Never had he disappointed anyone in anything, he was the ideal person.

This virtue made him an ace in any field that he chose, and I being his ardent worshiper, always used to follow him wherever he went and this went on until we had completed our bachelor’s degree and joined the same office.

It had been two years since we had joined office and Ram had already received accolades from the top management for his work. Being awarded the best employee of the year, he was now the star of the multibillion dollar company and everyone looked on his performance and secretly wanted to be like him and I was one among them. There were admirers of his work and there were people who were jealous but nonetheless he was the star. 

But life is not all bed of roses, and this is true even for the most successful people. For the past four months I had been observing the changing attitude of Ram, he was not socializing as he used to and was always keeping to himself. People who once found him as a fierce competition in the office started ignoring him, and Ram who was once a star started losing his charm and started fading away, he started spending most of his time strolling in the office canteen busy scrolling down on WhatsApp or Facebook and feeling distressed. It looked as if he had lost some valuable part of his life. 

In knew that a man could go so low only in two issues, one is money and the other is a woman. Ram was attractive with muscular body type that most of the woman desire secretly in their fantasies, and I knew from childhood that he less cared about girls or women, so I obviously thought that he was being bothered by money. 

So I started thinking in that direction. He had this habit of investing in shares and his interest for share market was very high, so I initially thought that he must have lost a huge chunk of money and I felt he was brooding over those issues. So I started bringing up the issues about the latest developments in the share market to give him fresh insights on the market but his behavior was erratic and he never bothered about the market and used to stare constantly at his phone. I now felt that something seriously was going on in his life and I even went to imagine if he was being threatened by goons in the share market and I seriously wanted to help him.

I wanted to dig deep into this to find out the reason which kept him shackled to this misery.

It was a Friday evening and he was looking into his mobile as usual and I saw him getting frustrated over people bantering over where to hangout for the Friday night and I was observing him and noticed an unusual distress in his face and in this frustration he started walking briskly towards the office elevator away from his cabin, and in this process he forgot his mobile at the office desk and reached out to his bike to escape the chatter among us.

I found this as an opportunity to sneak into his privacy to find out what has been bothering him so much these days. I initially started out looking for contacts which where strange enough for me, I knew most of his friends so I could immediately point out if any contact was strange enough in his list but I couldn't find anything of that sort. Then I started looking into his gallery to find out if he was being threatened by any obscene pictures as it is common these days for the cyber criminals to attack anyone for money but I was out of luck, he was being cautious enough by deleting all the media as and when he would receive and so I checked his Facebook feed but in vain and as a last resort I was scrolling quickly through the Whatsapp, I knew I wouldn't find anything out of box so I was about to close the app and place the phone at the place from where I picked it up and it was then that something struck me as a million volt jolt.

It was that picture, seeing which I was dumbstruck. I couldn't move an inch and all I could do was look at it with perplexed mind. Everything was the same except for the name. It was then that I knew what was bothering him so much and everything fell into its place. My mind revved and took me back to the college memories.

I immediately realized that it was not money neither fear nor pain. I was wrong in thinking that there's always these three reasons behind a man's success or failure, there is one more element which has the power to unite or devastate a man.

It blew my brains when I came to know that it was much more dangerous than these two elements, and it was none other than "LOVE". 

It took time for me to come out of the shock, I had read about people going crazy for love even to the extent of attempting suicide but had never experienced it with any of my friends, but for the first time I felt that LOVE really has a long lasting effect on people.

I had to act quickly else I knew I wouldn't be able to bring back the old Ram, for Love has adverse effects on people who fail in it.

I knew it was her and she was back and this time she is going to be there in his mind for a very long time. I knew I was going to have a difficult time in bringing him out of that situation, and so I started thinking when and where it had all started, and as I looked back into time, I knew I would have to start from the juvenile days of my bachelor’s degree where we were all young and untouched by the cupid.

I wanted to dig deep into this to find out the reason which kept him shackled to this misery.

3 years back.....

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